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Tech 04 April 2020

Xiaomi Presents The Star Juicer

We know well that Xiaomi, a Chinese giant that produces smartphones with excellent value for money such as Mi 9 and Mi 9T, invests a lot in the development of new devices even outside the smartphone world. Among the many we can for example mention the Yeelight devices dedicated to home automation lighting, but in the past we have also seen smart toilet palettes, connected clothes and microwave ovens. In fact, the company usually acquires innovative startups from various sectors in order to best support them in the development of very interesting technologies aimed at simplifying the lives of millions of users in normal daily operations. This time it's up to the juicer, with the Zhenmi brand. This device will be equipped with four AISI 301 stainless steel blades that allow you to cut any type of fruit and even ice.
Here is the Zhenmi juicer capable of making a smoothie in just 28 seconds.
Here is the Zhenmi juicer capable of making a smoothie in just 28 seconds.
The structure has an oval shape and is captivating as it has a window that lets you see the workmanship inside. In addition to mincing, for the creation of smoothies, there is also the function of rapid squeezing. Fruit juice can be obtained in just 28 seconds, as opposed to major competitors who take over 40 seconds for the same result. The Xiaomi citrus juicer is removable and easily washable even in the dishwasher and the electrical components are sealed. The juice is poured through a special command quickly. It is also powered by a 2400 mAh battery that recharges in just two hours and allows you to have an autonomy of about 25 cups of juice. The project is currently in crowdfunding with a price of around 5K LKR. Would you buy it?