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Tech 21 June 2022

The 10 most searched fitness trackers

Xiaomi, OPPO Or Samsung: what are the most searched fitness trackers on ePrice?
In the ranking of the most sought-after fitness trackers by users, there is a great variety of devices, most of them characterized by rather cheap prices.
Fitness trackers are small smart bracelets useful for monitoring your health, workouts and in general your vital values such as sleep quality and step count. Also known as smart bands, they are light, cheap (usually around 5000 to 20K LKR) and offer a long range of features that make them really useful.
The ranking, which does not include the most advanced smartwatches that we have covered in a specific article for this category, is certainly dominated by Xiaomi, which conquers five positions. Followed by Huawei, Oppo and Samsung, which offer very interesting fitness trackers.

1. Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5

The most searched fitness tracker on is the Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5. During deals it can cost even less, about 6000 LKR, for a smart bracelet to be used almost like a personal trainer. The display is large enough and comes with dynamic colors and over 65 themes to choose from, for dial customization at all levels. Mi Smart Band 5 supports up to 11 sports modes, including yoga and rope jumping. Withstands water up to 50 meters deep, monitors heart rate and sleep, for an essential and reliable fitness tracker.
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5

2. Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6

The latest addition to the large Xiaomi fitness tracker family wins the silver medal. Mi Smart Band 6 is one of the best-selling models: at a slightly higher price than the predecessor it offers a 1.56-inch AMOLED screen that is 50% wider. With this fitness tracker you can check your notifications and calls. It also offers 30 training modes, as well as retaining all the classic features, including heart rate monitor and sleep monitoring.
 Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6

3. Xiaomi Mi Band 4C

In third position there is a Xiaomi smartband launched in 2020, namely the Mi Band 4C. Characterized as always by an economic price, it is in fact less than 4000 LKR approximately, it is equipped with standard features such as sleep monitoring, step counting and heart rate measurement. Being an older device than the Mi Band 5, it has a 1.08-inch smaller screen with LCD technology, as well as slightly less battery life than the newer models.
Mi Band 4C
Mi Band 4C

4. Huawei Band 6

In fourth position there is a more recent fitness tracker, available from 2021, namely the Huawei Band 6. However, it can be purchased at an premium price, under about 20K LKR, weighs just 18 grams and offers a 1.47-inch screen. , smaller than the competition. The display, however, is a touchscreen with AMOLED technology, therefore easily visible in direct sunlight. The smart bracelet is also waterproof up to 50 meters underwater. It includes all the classic functions of these products, including heart monitoring.
Huawei Band 6
Huawei Band 6

5. Xiaomi Redmi Smart Band Pro

In fifth position there is another model released in 2021: the Xiaomi Redmi Smart Band Pro is a fitness tracker with a 1.47 inch AMOLED touch screen and a weight of 15 grams. It also monitors the level of oxygen in the blood, is waterproof and is quite durable thanks to the 2.5 D tempered glass and fiber glass reinforced polycaprolactam construction materials.
Xiaomi Redmi Smart Band Pro
Xiaomi Redmi Smart Band Pro

6. Oppo Band

Another economic smartband in sixth place is Oppo Band. It is a classic fitness tracker, designed to monitor your workouts. It has a smaller screen than the competition at just 1.1 inches, even though the front glass is strong and the weight is negligible at just 10.3 grams - it's one of the lightest on the market.
Oppo Band
Oppo Band

7: Samsung Galaxy Fit

In seventh position there is a fairly dated smartband, released in 2019, namely Samsung Galaxy Fit. It is a tool that, due to its characteristics, goes well with those who want to always have information relating to their physical form at hand during workouts and, at the same time, do not want to lose contact with their smartphone by receiving notifications. for each call or message. However, it has many options such as the Auto Workout Tracking function, capable of automatically recognizing and monitoring three different types of activities, namely walking, running and dynamic training. The device can also be connected to the Samsung Health app to keep track of all activities directly on the phone.
Samsung Galaxy Fit
Samsung Galaxy Fit

8. Xiaomi Mi Band 4

At the eighth position there is Xiaomi Mi Band 4, a fitness tracker still highly sought after in 2022 by the users of although the fifth and sixth versions of the product are also on the market. Mi Smart Band 4 costs less, just over 10K LKR, but still ensures the basic functions of this type of product: heart rate detection, sleep monitoring and receiving smartphone notifications. It has a battery life of 20 days.
Xiaomi Mi Band 4
Xiaomi Mi Band 4

9: Amazfit GTS 2

The Amazfit GTS 2 positions at ningth place. This sportwatch offers very impressive specs for the price which is about 30K LKR. Not only does it feature onboard GPS for tracking your training sessions, the onboard music player means you can simply connect your headphones via Bluetooth and enjoy your favorite running playlist without your phone.
Amazfit GTS 2
Amazfit GTS 2

10. Fitbit Charge 4

At the bottom of the ranking the Fitbit Charge 4 is still an impressive upgrade from the previous model, the Fitbit Charge 3. For begginers, this cheap running watch includes a built-in GPS, Spotify music control, Fitbit pay and many other smart features. Also, like with the previous model, you can set up bedtime reminders, take incoming calls, monitor sleep quality, and keep track of your daily step count.
Fitbit Charge 4
Fitbit Charge 4