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Portable Foldable Telescopic Stool 4.0

Portable Foldable Telescopic Stool 4.0

Our upgraded folding stool has a load-bearing capacity and anti-tilting ability far exceeding other brands. The new fish scale structure design makes the folding stools more technological and beautiful. Retractable folding stool strength and rigidity are upgraded so that stool can bear a maximum load of 400 pounds. The fish scale structure design has a stronger anti-tilting ability. The camping folding stool weighs only 2.6 pounds. It is made of high-strength environmental protection material plastic nylon material PA66 so that the stool is lightweight and portable. The cylindrical structure, tight connection buckle, and non-slip base ensure the stability of the camping folding stool, thereby providing a safe and comfortable environment for sitting. The telescopic folding stool can be set to the desired height, ranging from 2.56 inches to 17.8 inches.Its adjustability makes it suitable for most adults and children. The enclosed dimensions are only 10 inches in diameter. It only takes a few seconds to open and close, which is extremely convenient to use. You can take Portable Telescopic Stool easily wherever you go. Outdoor activities, such as camping, travel, fishing, line up, hunting, hiking, barbecue, garden, even in It will not sink into the sand when used on the beach. Indoor occasions, such as living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, office, party, even can be used as children's toys. Any questions, please contact us, our professional customer service team will handle it for you within 24 hours and give you a satisfactory answer.

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