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The motorized BELLATRIX 130/1000 EQ2 newton telescope captures more than 30% more light than a telescope with a diameter of 114 mm. It is already a consequent instrument which allows better performances than the latter. Faults in the Moon, sunspots (via an optional Astrosolar sheet ref. BA-2459281), planets like Jupiter and Saturn, are easy targets. BELLATRIX Newtonian telescope is very compact. You benefit from a long focal length with a short tube. Observe them more precisely at high magnification and in a more comfortable way by installing a drive motor (optional) on the polar axis of the EQ2 equatorial mount to ensure very smooth and precise tracking; the A-756 motor has a handy control, especially for taking long photographic exposures. The phases of Venus, the worlds of Jupiter, the ring of Saturn, the discs of Mars, Uranus and Neptune are revealed to your eyes. Pointing to deep sky objects scientifically done using the EQ2 mount's equatorial coordinate system, the graduated circles will help you locate the desired stellar objects. This will allow you, thanks to this quality optics, to reach the difficult distant spaces: the Dumbell nebula, the clusters of Hercules, the galaxies of Leo or Virgo, will begin to be discovered more precisely... The 130 1000 Perl Bellatrix: a telescope that is beginning to compete among the greats! It is ideal for beginners wishing to learn about astronomy. As this is a Newtonian type telescope, remember to take a collimation tool with it. This will allow you to effectively align the mirrors for even more accurate observations. Optics: The Reflector Telescope 1000130 EQ Telescope uses a large primary mirror at the bottom of the telescope tube to collect and reflect light. The light then travels to a secondary mirror positioned near the top of the tube, which reflects the light through an opening on the side of the tube, allowing the observer to view the image. Aperture: The telescope's aperture refers to the diameter of its primary mirror, and in this case, it has a 130mm (5.1 inches) aperture. A larger aperture allows the telescope to gather more light, resulting in brighter and clearer images. Focal Length: The focal length of the telescope is 1000mm, which determines the magnification and field of view of the images observed. Equatorial Mount: The telescope is mounted on an equatorial mount, which allows for precise and easy tracking of celestial objects as they move across the sky. This type of mount is ideal for astrophotography and observing objects at high magnification. Accessories: The Reflector Telescope 1000130 EQ Telescope often comes with additional accessories such as eyepieces of different focal lengths, a finder scope for easier object location, and a sturdy tripod to support the telescope. Conclusion If you're looking for a high-quality telescope that delivers stunning views of the night sky, the High-Quality Telescope F1000114 (Newtonian Reflector) is an excellent choice. With its advanced optics, precision engineering, and versatile magnification options, this telescope is sure to provide you with hours of enjoyment as you explore the wonders of the universe. You can place your phone to take photographs, but the fixed clips (Smartphone Holder) need to be purchased by yourself.

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