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Your One-Stop price comparison website

LG T2312VSAM Technical Details

Tub clean Yes
Washing capcity 12kg
Smart inverter™ motor Yes
10 year warranty (dd motor) Yes
Turbodrumtm Yes
3 motion washing technology Yes
Soft Closing Door Yes
Stainless steel tub Semi
Led touch display Yes
Auto restart Yes
Auto pre-wash Yes
Tempered glass lid Yes
Smart filter Yes
Washing capcity 12kg
Smart inverter™ motor Yes
10 year warranty (dd motor) Yes
Turbodrumtm Yes
3 motion washing technology Yes
Soft Closing Door Yes
Stainless steel tub Semi
Led touch display Yes
Tub clean Yes
Auto restart Yes
Auto pre-wash Yes
Tempered glass lid Yes
Smart filter Yes
Washing capcity 12kg
Smart inverter™ motor Yes
10 year warranty (dd motor) Yes
Turbodrumtm Yes
3 motion washing technology Yes
Soft Closing Door Yes
Stainless steel tub Semi
Led touch display Yes
Tub clean Yes
Auto restart Yes
Auto pre-wash Yes
Tempered glass lid Yes
Smart filter Yes
Tub clean Yes
Washing capcity 12kg
Smart inverter™ motor Yes
10 year warranty (dd motor) Yes
Turbodrumtm Yes
3 motion washing technology Yes
Soft Closing Door Yes
Stainless steel tub Semi
Led touch display Yes
Auto restart Yes
Auto pre-wash Yes
Tempered glass lid Yes
Smart filter Yes